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Quinoa the best superfood.

Known as the mother grain it is famed as a perfect functional food by journal of food and agriculture since it lowers disease risk due to its so called goodness. Being  high in fibre and protein and including good fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated which is low in sodium, sugar and almost nill in cholesterol.


In the Andes Quinoa has been a food not just sacred that was offered to the Gods by Inca ceremonies but eaten for thousands of years as a staple diet and  only recently has it become a new fad in the west. It is however one of the best functional foods with complex carbohydrates available.#


Quinoa has a unique combination of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants that protect cell membranes, support brain function and reduce stress induced anxiety.





There are two types: red and creamy white. Red and black quinoa almost doubles in its benefit to its white counterpart showing significant improvement of degenerative disease associated with free radical damage for those that consume it.


Compared to other wheat type options the tables above provide comparison of its nutritional value in comparison and ultimately great for the gut being gluten free.


Compared to other wheat type options the tables above provide comparison of its nutritional value in comparison and ultimately great for the gut being gluten free.


Studies have shown the consumption of 50 g quinoa/d lowers serum TGs (Triglycerides) which are lipids found in blood. When you eat food our body converts calories it does not sue into TG and that are stored as fat and used when needed as energy.

Overtime if you eat more calories than you burn you register with high TG which is not good since this increases your risk in heart disease therefore the overall aim is to lower TG levels in the body.


Additionally quinoa also reduces Mets (Metabolic syndrome) levels which reduces obesity and weight issues .A study testing sample group of Mets (estimates the energy expenditure on physical activity)Metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome X, is a combination of conditions that raises your risk of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Best advise is normally to lose weight balance diet for controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


The study objective of this randomized clinical trial was to investigate the effect of different quinoa doses (25 and 50 g/d) on body composition, serum lipids and hormones, and nutrient intakes in overweight and obese humans.The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) was also reduced in this group by 70%. 

Quick Recipe 


A great easy and quick recipe below or refer to Recipes for more options 














Recipe :Spiced Zucchini Quinoa


1.5 cup water

3/4 quinoa

3 tbsp. brown rice

1/4 cup lime juice

1 chilli minced

1 tspn brown sugar

2 tbspn canola oil

1.5 cups squash

1.5 cup finely chopped zucchini

8 green lettuce leaves

fresh basil to serve




Combine quinoa with water and cook for 15min or till tender and then fluff through with fork


Heat rice  for 7min or till popping and cooked  (Blend in spice grinder)


Mix lime juice, fish sauce, chili, sugar in a bowl 


Add zucchini , oil and squash and cook over medium heat till tender for about 3min


Stir brown rice and 4 tspn of the lime mixture


Serve quinoa and zucchini mix in lettuce leaves


Top with remaining lime mix and basil







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