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Rethinking our lifestyle to help the bodies Immunity

Support your first line of defence with lifestyle changes Diet, Exercise and mindful thinking - during COVID-19 help your body heal .

Our immune system is constantly active protecting us from pathogens - every breath involves inhaling thousands of bacteria of which majority of germs are harmless, however some cause disease such as COVID /SARS. Since Covid-19 has become contagious we all should now know how to protect ourselves and others from at least etiquette of coughing in our elbows, washing hands and keeping a safe distance.

Our body has many ways to attempt to protect us from outside viruses and pathogens. The first point of protection is our skin which contains white blood cells containing special protein based cells called B cells creating antibodies when we need to inactivate these viruses and toxins. If a pathogen tries to attack the body they will stimulate B cells which automatically multiply immediately to attack any intruders to help us fight off harm.

The critical B cells are reduced in old age due to diminishing effect of these cells from a range of body changes such as issues in inflammation and reduced cell recovery. Recent studies attempted to understand the changes in immune system deterioration in age called Immunosenescence a term referring to altered response to immune system.

Immunosenescence treatment is still in its infancy but the studies have found Nutraceuticals(food alternatives) promotes plan based food and fatty fish showing to optimise the immune response in old age. The main focus on studies are trying to reduce inflammation and reduces cellular resistance caused in aging through which can be combated by consistent intake of bioactive food agents in fruit and veg.

Dietary polyphenols are the biggest group of phytochemicals and they are defined as bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds. They are in fruits, vegetables, grains, and other plant foods, the consumption of which has been linked to reduction in risk of major age-related diseases.

Steps to naturally help Immunosenescence boosting can be done by changing lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise and mind focused exercise


About 95% of infection start from moist surfaces (mouth, eyes, nose)whereby our body produces antibodies to protect us or first line of defence is IgA (immuglobin type A)

Moderate Exercise can boost IgA with control group studies proving moderate exercise on a group that performed 30min of three times a week had a 50% increase in levels of IgA in their saliva and reported fewer infection symptoms. However excessive exercise can also weaken the immune system if not maintained with additional supplements and vitamin from food. Therefore just moderate exercise will help boost or immunity and rest the infection if stationary at home during self isolation can include:

-Yoga 20min online videos available for free

-Walk 10,00 steps ( on spot or round the house or open space if you can get to any)

-Work out session HIT only 15min (videos online from Joe Wicks are great)

-Try not be inactive seated for long periods our stretch or walk

2. Diet

Eating a rich combination or fruit and veg where possible. Reduced meat intake and not large portions. Foods to help only a few below try most greens and veg if you can get your hands on them:

· Kale rich in vitamin and minerals (of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese. A Study dipping a small amount of kale in human white blood cells through petri dish testing triggered quadrupling of antibody production in the cells.

· Broccoli ability to block toxins and overall mineral boost

· Mushrooms produce 50% increase in IgA levels maintained for a week in the body us from viruses.

· Berries of all colours have been attributes to reduce and repair damage resulting from oxides and inflammation. Berries are also able to boost killer activity. Try a berry and cardamom muffin (Cardamom is a natural supercharge for cell activity)

· Olive oil /green olives(12 daily) contain Monounsaturated fats healthy for blood movement and artery repair .An overall Mediterranean diet was associated with significantly reduced levels of important markers of inflammation and immunity boost also stated by WHO(World Heath Organization research).

· Beans/lentils, Kale, pumpkin seeds are high in Zinc or supiments)Zinc shown to reduce infection by 67% after a year intake of adequate zince supplements for a year.

· Cocoa (cocoa polyphenols) dark chocolate of50g or day skimmed milk 500ml include calcium and antioxidants

· Seeds nuts and Flaxseed, fish oils can modulate immune system from dietary lipids

3. Mediation and Positive thinking

Positive thinking is key to also recovery - Have you ever heard that between one-third and two-thirds of all healing is down to the placebo effect, not therapies, drugs or surgery? The placebo is just a sugar-pill where the patient is healed by the belief they'll get better: positive thinking.Bruce Lipton ‘Biology of Belief’ Book has multiple studies on his insights of how changing consciousness/subconsciousness can actually perform placebo healing whereby belief behaviours can change genetics and heal. Bruce believes “You have to change your consciousness because you already manufacture every equivalent of a drug right now.”Therefore try to choose to think the best before its happened like taking a pill to heal

Listen to a brief summary from Bruce (

“The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system”

Mediating and mindfulness will help reduce the constant chatter and anxiety being caused due to the current climate of COVID-19. Although you need updates reduce the media and news intake on Covid-19 to help focus on something immediate. Try activities such as drawing, painting, puzzles or reading something away from being absorbed by TV or phone screentime. Try a daily meditation of even 5min below any way to silence and help calm the mind and soul:

Mantra Mediation:

· Sit silently

· Empty the mind

· Focus on the breath and the body

· Repeat affirmation I am safe and I am health

· Try and silently sit allow thoughts to pass and focus on the breath

· Thank the universe and God for the moment of peace and stay strong

“Move Outside the tangle of fear thinking. Live in Silence ‘Rumi’”
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