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Kundalini Awakening

“Let the snake inside you (life energy or Kundalini) dance to the tune of the universe.”


What is Kundalini energy ?

Kundalini, a Sanskrit word meaning "circular power," is an individual's basic evolutionary force. Each of us is born with some of this energy already flowing. Kundalini, sometimes called shakti, is found at the base of our spine laying coiled and dormant. When activated it releases as waves as the energy moves up the spine. This Shakti wants to become activated to move to Shiva (at the top of our head) – its a liberating force like your awakening like a path to liberation.

The whole process of awakening is not just your consciousness transforming your whole body prepares to meet God -as you purify and leave bad lifestyle habits and suffering behind.

The Kundalini energy wants to move up the spine out the top of the head and this process of energy movement also invites awakening to reach enlightenment. This process of Kundalini awakening is powerful spiritual experience something most devoted yogis aspire to. People aspire to reach this level of spiritual awakening for peace and closeness to God.

The values of Kundalini are the union of Shakti and Shiva ( the female and the male) which gives a deeper awareness of the cosmos. This process of enlightenment can take you out of the individualistic ego state we are all in.

There are many layers of Kundalini waiting to be released. The action is similar to peeling off the outer edges of an onion. A person can release a few or many layers during a lifetime.

Kundalini removes attachments – it’s a way your bondages and karmas are burnt. The purification of kundalini rising to Shiva is entering eternal life or kingdom of heaven. Now this may sound far out but the process means we often must past hell before we get there- not the hell fire as such as you know it.

Its the hell we create on earth from our desires and karmas – I will come to more detail of this in the course, but most people are looking to be saved of life’s impurities and misery and often found retreating from the real world to going to an ashram or a guru to gain this knowledge of reaching self purification – this can take years but don’t be disheartened it can happen to some in a flash moment.

Our suffering is often resistance or experiences from current or past life's. When energy is blocked , sometimes due to past trauma, old emotions or even poor posture can cause blockages. This often needs a Kundalini cleanse to release blockages.

Kundalini therapy , often performed in an ashram of a certified Kundalini teacher, is necessary when energy has been blocked for too long, which has caused long term illnesses and insanity/depression in some – with Kundalini therapy a person can be taken out of this state.

In India the practice of Kundalini awakening involves those choosing to retreat and leave daily life to enter an ashram – a way to separate from society. Most importantly the world is shifting for all working for total harmony and joy.

No one on earth is alone in this process of growth – what happens on this earth causes energy shifts and reach other cosmoses. Once unblocked Kundalini energy is there for you to work with.

In each incarnation we learn more over again to control this energy. For instance children need guidance to know how to control their energy. Sometime Kundalini is released during times of drug use, trauma, excessive meditation – this is often involuntary unintended release.

If kundalini is blocked in the subconscious area of the belly the rest of the body can fall our of balance.

Ways to release blocks

Check out

Mediate for 5min, 10min of free dance, forcing one think of higher thoughts help the kundalini movement.

Premature Kundalini Release

How do you know Kundalini has been released sometimes prematurely or during cleaning. At moments of extreme enlightenment or dullness. Sometimes a person may look old or ill and in a few hours transform to looking younger and full of vitality.

Sometimes during premature kundalini awakening the toes or nails may look blackish often due to pineal gland activation.

In stronger states people have been known to hear human tissue tear , have nose bleeds, involuntary movements or body shaking. There are so many symptoms and often kundalini release is misunderstood in that energy release may be misplaced. Often when this happens people that are hypochondriac in that they claim to be ill when not or state they have not got long to live but feel perfectly fine. This confusion often result of unprepared for the energy released.

Stories of such as woman suffering years of illness when the doctors could not diagnose an issue eventually recovered – when the Kundalini had done its work and cleansed she found spiritual healing was occurring through her hands.

Seek to cleanse all locked-in memories, whether physical, emotional or mental, whether of traumatic or ecstatic events. Spontaneously or through meditations, people can relieve experiences from childhood or past lives. Power trips, unexplained anger, base or perverted sexual fantasies or feelings-these are all part of personal demons, hidden away only to be brought to light by the cleansing of the Kundalini.

There are many processes for the Kundalini release where you mediate for hours chanting OM NAMAH SHIVA, read spiritual literature or follow one of these exercise its you becoming that one step closer to awakening the Shiva.

Sex and Kundalini

Releasing of Kundalini will also elevate sexual energy to a higher level. During spiritual growth or a kundalini cleanse often will cause past life memories. There may be a feeling to be attracted to people to whom you were sexually close to in a past life. This is often due to having the feeling the sexual relationship from a past life needs to be carried on in this life. Be responsible this is not an excuse or ticket to be free willed in relationships be careful of how you view this.

The Kundalini cleansing is essentially a journey of the self, but it is not for the self alone. Your energies will help other people grow and be more evolved. You need also trust and have faith in God or Universal force:

• Faith is one of the most important ingredients for a successful Kundalini cleansing process

• Faith that it is a process, which with some attention and guidance will do very well

• Faith that it has its own purpose, which is your elevation

• Faith in yourself that you will bounce back from whatever you have to go through

• Faith in a supreme or divine being who does know and care about what you are going through. Prayer and devotional energies.

Daily Routines for Kundalini control

To stay centred and prevent unwanted blockages there are some routines to stabilise this the mind and body -which include:

Exercise- Physical activity is great for Kundalini release to help the energy keep moving and prevent blocks. Yoga or running for me are great ways to keep the energy in constant motion.

Free Form Dancing – Through dance you can express your feelings if you have never been to a Kundalini yoga class dancing is the essence. If you’re a good or bad dancer just follow free form of arm moving and legs all get energy moving there is no rule. I have to say i loved my first ever Kundalini yoga class it was all about dance and freedom of expression so try it.

Daily Kundalini balance lifestyle tips

· Being-take time in just being and not having to prove anything or try hard mindfulness is great for this

· Doing – exercise or cleaning your garage having accomplished something gives a great form of reward and trains your energy it can be used

· Learning-expanding ones brain is great in allowing energy flow through the Nervous system

· Inspiring – allows the spirit to flow and be in union with the divine. Journaling or doodling are great creative ways to express energy.

· Appreciation- most important before you go to bed self appreciation is great and only you know how hard you worked and the obstacles you have so give your self some thanks for living and trying.

Chakra and Relationships

Our chakras are always receiving and sending energy therefore we are always being affected by others energy, which can sometimes be positive or negative.(Please revert to my chakra article to understand about Chakra)

If your energy is strong you will have an immediate impact on people in your presence. Often someone who is weak or unwell may be initiated or wiped out by your energy. It ahs been said when spiritual Gurus or even Jesus would walk into a town or room his energy would impact all around him of love and healing just being in his presence.

We experience these energy exchanges all the time, through our open chakras. For instance if your heart chakra is open you tend to experience life with love giving or receiving.

When you feel the energy is too strong or the intensity of an exchange with another is too much -stretch your body and breath or send the energy out your feet and the top of your head.

When you have a strong connection with someone they often feel energy ties that bind them together. The bind may be at the heart, naval or a combination of chakras.

Better Understanding Your Chakras exercise:

  • Close your eyes.

  • Imagine that a significant person in your life is standing in front of you or near you.

  • Be aware how your body reacts to this presence. Which chakras open or close?

  • What are your ties with the other person's chakras?

  • Do these ties drain or reinforce you - Are they negative or positive?

  • You will feel relaxed where they are open and tight where they are closed.

  • More aware of the movement of your own energies, you will be able to have more control and enjoyment in life.

  • Remember that energy patterns change according to the situation and the people you are with.


We spend a lot of time in relationships in this world we are constantly surrounded by energy of others. If your around someone whose energy is blocked you may get a sense of feeling shut out or they do not want to interact. In fact this may not be the case the person may very much want to interact but are frightened or do not know how to. When you want others to be more receptive of you, let your energies out in a peaceful way. Do not force them or the person receiving them may feel bombarded

Voluntary Kundalini Release

You can in one lifetime safely release more Kundalini with patience and perseverance – the dance of shakti and Shiva.

Exercise revitalises cells

  • Lie comfortably on your back.

  • Do deep, peaceful breathing for a few minutes, then take several complete breaths.

  • With your eyes closed, visualize a golden energy entering each cell and bringing new vitality.

  • Then visualize prana coming in through the breath, traveling to each cell with the golden energy. Really FEEL this energy going into each cell.

Exercise to receive universes energy

Meditate on this while doing deep, peaceful breathing.

Ask the energies of the universe to balance the system, to modify excessive frequencies and bring needed ones.

Visualize the energies becoming balanced. Also visualize becoming more open to the nutrients available in foods as well as in the universe.

Energies you receive through food have been transmuted into the different frequencies necessary for your system. As the world's population continues to increase, it will be most beneficial to know how to use these energies directly instead of getting them transmuted through food. We already do this with the sun's vitamin D.

People who receive their energies through breathing and absorbing the universe are called breatharians.

The physical body, as a living machine given to us for learning how to use energy and its different frequencies, is extremely important in our evolution. When we understand this fully, we will no longer need to be born in bodies; we will be able to use energy directly from the universe without the aid of a living machine (the body) transmuting energy into different frequencies for various purpose

Yoga Stretches Exercises

This is simple and can be done anytime of the day. Body stretches unify the self and the body while later releasing energy blocks

Releasing Blocked Areas Exercises

  • Contracting the Belly. This is for releasing the sexual, navel and solar plexus areas.

  • Lie down supine on the floor and pull your knees to your chest so that the small of your back touches the floor.

  • Tighten your belly muscles as much as possible from the pubic area to the ribcage and from side to side; then slowly lower your legs to a straight position without arching your back.

  • Be sure your back and body are as relaxed as possible. Hold this muscle contraction while taking ten deep breaths.

  • Move the energy from this area up and out the top of the head. Gradually do this exercise until you can hold the contraction for twenty breaths.

  • This will release excess Kundalini from these areas, helping it on its way up the spine. It also helps conquer emotional states. Once each day is sufficient until the area feels cleansed; after that, do the exercise as the need arises.

Release your Kundalini actively

Warning this process should be done with a professional Kundalini teacher and the effects if done wrong can cause pain or headache. If something does not seem right stop.


When you release Kundalini

  • -it should move up the system cleaning each step of the way

  • -it gets stuck in energy blocks

  • -it uses its own energy turn back on you and create risk

  • -It does not feel hot always as Kundalini moves up the spine

This is just a summary I will be publishing a course for more detail and please always revert to a local kundalini teacher online there are lots available to train you virtually or in class.

Kundalini release Exercise

  • Lie on your back with your neck straight no pillow on a yoga matt – sit if its difficult to lie

  • Focus on the area between the Anus and genitals

  • Tighten this area as much as possible and hold for 5 deep breaths

  • Release on the count of 5th breath

  • Repeat this 3 times which is contract and release

  • Visualise the kundalini climbing up your spine and leaving the top of your head as a white energy source

  • Showering – then visualise Kundalini from your body missing with the divine energy above the head as it showers over your body as the energy cleanses all your cells.

Other Kundalini release exercises here will be released in my ebook or course to come soon with more details on dealing with relationships, parenting and reaching ultimate enlightenment through Kundalini release. Exercises to come :Rocking release, Release through Nadis, Subconscious exercises, Candle Flame release, Maithuna-tantric Yoga.

If you find a kundalini-centred meditation and stick with it, you could have some powerful and unexpected breakthroughs. Some have likened the breakthroughs associated with kundalini meditation to a psychedelic experience

This was a whistle stop tour of Kundalini and material taken from the Kundalini practice manual by G Paulson but more details are to come if interested DM me:


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