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Is Your Chakra Blocked ?

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

We all have energy blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from living a fully healthy and happy life - the good news is this can be healed.

The Chakra system can be optimised and healed by applying simple mediations and affirmations below is a beginners guide but for more detailed healing techniques the chakra section will soon be updated.

What is a Chakra ?

There are seven main chakras, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. These invisible wheels of energy keep us vibrant and healthy. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centres in the body. Since mind, body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected, awareness of an imbalance in one area through chakra meditation will help bring the others back into balance. This invisible healing energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

What are the main 7 Chakras?

Why does a Chakra get blocked ?

Chakras become blocked by the unresolved difficulties you have encountered on your life’s journey—especially those that occurred in childhood, when you were not yet as conscious as you are now.

You may have endured something you didn’t want, like physical or sexual abuse; or longed for something you wanted but didn’t get, like guidance and support. Whatever the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune brought you, you have somehow found a way to cope but not fully resolved these issues.

Typically, they will have formed lifelong patterns of defences, designed to protect the sacred being who lives inside These patterns become lodged in the chakras as habitual coping mechanisms that persist into adulthood, even in safe or benevolent situations

In reaction to a dominating parent, you may have tried to feel powerful by becoming a bully (excessive third chakra); or you may have become passive to avoid confrontation (deficient third chakra).If the chakras become blocked, one or both energy currents can be impeded, keeping you stuck in repetitive patterns. Addiction is a classic example of a nonproductive, repetitive pattern caused by a blockage of the upward current.

Upward travel of energy as Mukti (freedom) – liberation begin at the root move upwards toward heaven to energise the chakras to a desired state. Whatever your repetitive patterns are (stuck in relationship, chronic illness) – upward journey is blocked and this is when you need to focus on opening and healing them.

Turning your attention to these repetitive issues—in other words, bringing them to consciousness—gives you a means of breaking the bonds that hold you. An alcoholic, for example, remains trapped until he or she becomes conscious of the reasons for drinking. As any recovering alcoholic will tell you, however, mere awareness is not enough. Diligent effort must be applied on many levels to release these blockages.

In terms of the energy flow an excessive chakra is crowded with stagnant energy, like a traffic jam blocked .This is when a chakra is blocked. Since everything is moving as energy in the chakra system , it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy flows are restricted and we cannot live our full potential and be happy.

Are any of my Chakras Blocked ?

Some physical and psychological issues are impacted by chakra blockages as discussed some specific ailments below are a result of a specific chakra being blocked which may be impacting your health or mental stability.

Check if you suffer from any of the below :

Blocked Crown Chakra

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: Spiritual malice, isolation if your used to being social, joyless, lack of inspiration or egomania.

  • Physical symptoms: Neurological disorders, nerve pain ,thyroid, pineal gland disorders, Alzheimer’s, Recurring headaches, migraines, schizophrenia and delusional disorders, Insomnia and Depression.

Blocked Third Eye Chakra

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: Loss of direction in life, obsessed with the past, no interest in the future, lack of foresight.

  • Physical symptoms: include headaches, nightmares, blurred vision, blindness, and eyestrain, migraines, sinusitis, seizures, poor vision, sciatica

Blocked Throat Chakra

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: Drop in communication skills, failure to express yourself, social detachment, social anxiety, unintentionally manipulative, arrogant, can be quiet in social situations.

  • Physical symptoms: Hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, and back pain, Thyroid, Flu, Fevers, Blisters, Infections, Herpes, Itching, Sores or Tonsillitis.

Blocked Heart chakra

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: may lack love, social anxiety, passion and tend to attach easily and has no control over emotions, Loneliness, Shyness and social anxiety, Being overly critical towards yourself and others, Holding grudges, Inability to give or receive freely, Suspicion and fear especially in friendships and romantic relationships.

  • Physical symptoms: Asma, heart disease, hypertension, poor circulation

Blocked Solar plexus Chakra

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: Disconnected from identity , feeling lost, coping skills, addiction , inability to set boundaries

  • Physical symptoms: the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine, digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, and food allergies, Ulcers, Poor digestion, gas, nausea, Hypoglycemia , Diabetes, Asthma and other respiratory problems, Arthritis, Organ problems, especially in the liver and kidneys, Nerve pain and fibromyalgia, difficulty gaining or losing weight

Blocked Sacral Charkas:

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: Emotionally explosive, manipulative, obsessed with thoughts of sex or may lack energy depression, low self-esteem, insecurity, detachment, jealousy or fear.

  • Physical symptoms: Bladder & kidney weakness, back pain, stiff lower back, constipation, and muscle spasm or abnormal menstruation.

Blocked Root Charkas:

  • Psychological symptoms of blockage include: anxiety disorders, fear, panic attacks, worry, overthinking, depression, nightmares, emotionally disconnected, disconnected from the body, anger/rage, sluggish or eating disorder.

  • Physical symptoms: sciatica, hypertension, impotence, colitis, eating disorders, prostate issues in men. Back pain, Lethargy, Digestive discomfort, Pain in the legs, knees and cold hands, always tired and sluggish.

How to check if my Chakra is Blocked ?

A great way to affirm which chakra needs attention is to use a pendulum to assess each chakra and diagnose if there is a blockage.

The chakra system is the field of gentle subtle energy that animates our physical bodies. When these are out of alignment, we can be pulled in several directions and feel off centre from our most natural state of well being. Pendulums come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite simply tools that help us detect our energetic field. They are tuned to subtle vibrations and a good chakra pendulum can help us clear, balance and heal our bodies.

Details of pendulum usage and selection for more details :

On further details of how to use a pendulum for chakra blockage diagnoses I will update in my Chakra healing section – there are online tutorials to help.

How to Balance Your Chakras ?

A guided energy healing meditation that opens, connects all 7 energy centres (chakras) and clears belief systems from each energy centre, which may have caused blockages in the energy flow. The meditation helps the energies to flow freely so you can be in your true power to manifest your heart’s desire and speed up the process for any healing needed in any area of your life.

With proper chakra meditation, you can cleanse, clear, and balance your chakras.

Balance Your Chakras Beginners Meditations ?

The meditations helps the energies to flow freely so you can be in your true power to manifest your heart’s desire and speed up the process for any healing needed in any area of your life. It’s better to meditate on all of them to bring the entire system into balance

There are many online sources to balance your blockages

Try the below

To get started, all you need to do is find a peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed for at least a half hour. Choose one of the exercises below

Exercise 1: 333 Exercise in 10 min intervals is easiest to start with to energise your chakras.

o Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. You can sit on a cushion if you find the position uncomfortable. Hold your spine erect but not stressed. Let your hands fall limp on your knees.

o Breathe deeply and evenly and empty your mind by focusing on your breath.

o Close your eyes

o Breath in slowly for a count of three

o Hold your breath for a slow count of three

o Exhale slowly for a count of three

Exercise 2 : Chakra meditations

o Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. You can sit on a cushion if you find the position uncomfortable. Hold your spine erect but not stressed. Let your hands fall limp on your knees. Breathe deeply and evenly to relax

o Close your eyes

o Give each chakra patient attention and focus on it until you can see vibrant energy passing through it. Each chakra deserves several minutes for itself.

o Crown chakra — Visualise the top of your head the Crown chakra a violet light and focus on this light and let it fill you and feel negative emotions burn away. When its at its brightest this chakra is energised and blazing.

o Third Eye chakra —Feel the energy seep down from the crown chakra see the violet change to indigo light expanding from the area between the eyes.

o Throat chakra — Feel the indigo energy rush down from the third eye chakra to the throat see the colour change to blue once bright enough.

o Heart chakra — See the blue energy from your throat chakra to your heart the centre of the chest and visualise the colour change to green in your heart area.

o Solar Plexus chakra — See the energy move to your stomach area and change to yellow

o Sacral chakra — see the energy move to just below the navel and change to orange

o Root chakra — See your energy move to the base of the spine and change red and when light is at its fullest and visualise all the chakra lighten up from root to crown blazing bright

o Slowly open your eyes

o Ask yourself if any of chakras where brighter than others or dimmer (blockages), did you notice any introspection or body sensation points randomly on a chakra point.

· Exercise 3 : Affirmations Chakra healing

o Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. You can sit on a cushion if you find the position uncomfortable. Hold your spine erect but not stressed. Let your hands fall limp on your knees. Breathe deeply and evenly to relax

o Close your eyes and apply each affirmation one chakra per day or all at one by repeating the below affirmations 3 times.

o Crown chakra

  • I am open to Universal one-ness

  • I am ready to heal and integrate myself deeply and completely

o Third Eye chakra

  • I am open to Universal wisdom

  • I am ready to implement all my visions

  • I believe in myself I am open to communication

  • I am listening precisely and expressing adequately.

  • I’m fine, I’m okay.

o Heart chakra

  • I flow in love I am open to give and receive lots of love.

  • I forgive myself and all others who have hurt me.

  • I heal myself and others with love

o Solar Plexus chakra

  • I choose to surrender to the flow of universal energy in my life.

  • All aspects of my life are under appropriate control of the universe.

  • I take charge of my life

o Sacral chakra

  • I flow through all my sensuous experiences.

  • I am open to giving and receiving appropriate sexual energy.

  • I am open to enjoying all pleasures that the world has to offer to me.

  • I am enjoying every moment of my physical existence on earth.

  • I am open to universal guidance to shape my physical journey.

  • I accept my contract of physical existence on this planet.

Additional Tips to energise blocked chakras :

· Root Chakra - wear the colour and visualise the colour red in your root chakra focus on this chakra 1 min and tap top of your head lightly twice. Clean your home for cleansing.

· Sacral Chakra - try and volunteer or socialise, meet a friend as these will strengthen this chakra.

· Solar plexus Chakra - incorporate the colour yellow or wear gold or even start a journal to energise this chakra.

· Heart Chakra - influences your ability to love yourself, jewellery such as green stones will energise this chakra, put a pic of loved ones in your house, buy a friend a coffee or share donuts with work colleagues or donate as an act of giving will strengthen this chakra.

· Throat Chakra - stimulation by speaking truthfully to others, speak up, exercise your creativity (paint, write, design, playdough).

· Third eye Chakra - is about spiritual awareness so visualise something (a pink elephant) in your mind in a mediation, try a puzzles , walk mindfully in the woods, keep an intuition journal - when you get a feeling to do something write it down.

· Crown Chakra - is the seat of spiritual power and awareness so try to connect to your inner self through yoga(inverted asanas), meditation and contemplation. Meditate on this one chakra and focus to see a white lotus flower growing in the red light.

More articles and the chakra section of this site will soon be updated for further details.

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