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How to keep your cat healthy and how they keep you healthy during Lockdown.

Updated: May 10, 2020

As more of us are restricted to staying home during lockdown and with limited space and for those without gardens we also need to find ways to occupy our pets and ensure they are not neglected.

Studies have shown that watching cat videos really do boost our energy. Owning a cat also serves as a great stress relief and has proven to lower anxiety levels. Research over a 10 year period showed how cat owners were 30% less likely to die of heart attacks or strokes.

Stroking a cat releases oxytocin the feel good hormone for boosting mood and reducing stress levels. Just watch a cat video and see how you cant stop from smiling there are so many on the internet - Max’s cat video I did a while back.

Anyone who owns a cat testifies it enhances their life by providing constant love and provides both physical, mental and spiritual health. Cats are naturally spiritual beings they came originally from the star system Orion and have known for spreading wisdom and peace in their surrounding. Just watch a cat and its therapeutic purr to also truly showing you how to relax and move with balance.

For those that think cats are aloof i can testify and many others that having a cat has shown me they form a emotional attachment to humans and studies have shown majority use humans as a source of comfort for both the humans and cat.

In ancient Egypt cats were sacred and worshipped and in Rome was considered guardian and protector of the home. You will sometimes see a cat sit in door ways or halls watching over its humans space. My cat Max is black and in European counties this is very lucky however in the east its bad luck but I don’t abide to these myths.

I was given Max as a kitten and living in a small London flat I really didn’t think I would be able to cope being at work all day. I initially thought about offering him to a family that could make time for him. But having him has really changed me and I have loved every moment with him - his part of the family and very interactive being a Mancoon cats they are not lap cats but definitely play and behave like dogs. I'm not crazy cat Lady but i love the way cats love unconsciously no judgement and truly are pure beings - I do love taking pics hence this blog.

Max has truly saved my life during lockdown when self isolating living alone its amazing the comfort and care he gives and just being by me always. For those alone with no human contact it can do wonders to have a pet helping you through this. I really think it was Max waking me in the mornings and keeping me busy when I really did feel low. It reminded me of Tom Hanks in Cast away when he bonded with his volleyball Wilson as a way of starving off madness - to a certain extent Max is better a living, feeling, emotional and loving creature keeping me same and saving my life.

I hope during this time people are careful to consider buying pets however since they are for life and not just temporary gifts while at home it has been a big responsibility but worth it.

Please think carefully before getting a pet since its important their lives are not disrupted if circumstances change once we are back to normal. If you are serious about getting cats kittens are not always an only option Battersea cats and dog home and many shelter have cats that need love and homes.

Please consider it careful as said the last thing a pet needs like anyone is instability from a home to back to a shelter once a family cannot take care of it.

Things to think about for your cat in Lockdown

Make a quiet space for your cat.

With everyone at home during lockdown my cat preference is to hide out under the bed in the spare room. You can create a space by leaving their bed or sleep mat in a room which is dim and quiet even under a table they love enclosed spaces to feel safe.Try and tell everyone this space is off limits if the room or table they often visit. Please teach kids and some adults not to disturb the cat when they are sleeping or resting they will really need their space now -don’t go seek their attention they will come to you when they need it.

Groom your cat everyday.

Now you have time cats love to be groomed but for elderly cats excessive brushing is not advised. Also change the brush softer brissles might be a option rather than the metal brush options. Flee brushes shouldn’t be needed if you are keeping up with their treatments especially now summer is in and they are not out as much.

Toys and TV are great for stimulation

I have gone over the top but Max loves his new toys now we are self isolating and he cannot go out. Fishing rods with feather ends are his favourite and its great to keep him active while he has limited space indoors but they will be begging for more playtime with you. Alternatively I purchased a automatic fishing rod simulator and automatic moving ball which his not so keen on since some cats prefer interaction with their humans. Climbing trees and frames are great for indoors since as said cats love to perch at a height. For those with no outdoor space senses range available on amazon has some great Scalextrics toys and indoor grass for cats to keep their teeth healthy. Most importantly make some interactive time with your cat they love playing with their humans.

Also you really don’t need expensive toys a toilet roll cardboard (hard to get these days) or crumbled pieces of paper keeps them occupied. Or just a piece of string allows you both to play together. Please note a great form of Mindfulness when interacting but if you don’t have a cat pet charity Blue cross has some great online guided mindfulness with cat sounds and


Max does love his youtube videos with birds and cat videos available for your cat to watch but limit it to 20min - like humans its recommend not too much TV screen time.

Online cat games with moving insects are also a great distraction

Make time for your cat

Even though we are restricted to indoors its surprising how busy we keep ourselves but its important you make time with your cat since they also need simulation and they will come to you when they need it. Cashing and play are important for them to feel engaged and loved. Treats and patting when they are with you will perk their spirits up too.

Climbing places and new spaces for your cat

You can create these with your own boxes in the garage. Plastic bags with holes they love but be careful if they chew it.

I leave wardrobes and drawers open for them to explore just make sure you don’t close it while they are in

Also cats love to be in high spaces to watch over their territory so some space on your bookshelf or even some exciting window ledge cat holders online do the trick.


If you don’t keep a routine to their feeding this can reduce their scavenger habits for begging for treats. Make sure there are quiet spaces for the cat to eat if you have children. Try and alternate wet and hard food but for males ensure you choose hard food that does not cause Struvite crystals in urinary track.

What if my cat goes out ?

Unless you are self isolating from coronavirus your cat should be free to go out as normal juts be aware of hygiene there is a possibility they can carry anything on fur or paws so advise has been to stay in but don’t restrict hem too much.

Some vets are still taking calls there are abundant helplines online but your cat may show signs of stress do look out and reference them such as overgrooming, inappropriate toilet habits, aggression, increase vocalisation, reduction in appetite, increase hiding or clinginess, increased sleep are a few but just watch their behaviour and check with your vet.

With reference to Covid-19 cats have known to catch it but not spread to humans and recover- refer to BBC website for details.

Stay safe and play safe with your fur friends x

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