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Do the #walk1000miles challenge for health and happiness

Most of us in Lockdown have suddenly discovered beautiful local forests or walking routes in nature we would have not have seen otherwise. Before the pandemic I already made it a weekly routine to discover new woodland and forests in England -living in the city had caused me to crave that escape to nature. I discovered my mental wellbeing and overall energy shifted after just short walks in nature, its as if you stepping into a magical world with its ecosystem allowing you to switch off from that constant chatter and noise of media and be present.

Vital habitat has a range of wildlife so if you bring your binoculars you will get the chance to encounter some of the UK rarest wildlife. Forestry England has done wonders in ensuring sustainability of our forests by managing demand, through regrowing 18million saplings planted yearly in nurseries for our generations to come to still have local wildlife and nature.

But I needed a challenge in Lockdown a way to make sure I could make my daily walk purposeful so I embarked on the #walk1000miles challenge. Starting the #walk1000miles was a way to get outside during Lockdown and I found it a great way to relive stress and keep in shape. With limitations of only local walks I still managed to find trails providing that well needed escape where I could immerse into nature practicing mindfulness. We forget the fresh air gives you the freedom to move but with this challenge you are encouraged to clock the steps and avoid excuses of its too cold or wet – just go out and be prepared and you will be surprised once you commit how it becomes your daily ritual.

On average you are walking 2.74 miles daily for 12months if you want to complete 1000miles , just a bit under an hour a day and really it makes a difference to your life in so many ways so try it. Anyone can try this challenge if you’re a newbee walker or a rambler , or unfit to an athlete from London to Kenya anyone can try it.

Sign up for #walk1000miles

You can sign up now and each day you see yourself progress and reach your target. You can just choose from a basic sign up or get monthly newsletter and access details on trails and others also doing the challenge. Since I started the challenge walking has been a way of life for me and really helped in Lockdown helping me better manage my weight and mental health. Really did surprise me how just walking goes a long way from walking at my local park or just at home to get my steps up but to once the restrictions where lifted finding some great local forests.

How it works

This challenge is simply 2.74 x365 =1000 To reach your goal if you evenly did the challenge you would be walking 2.74miles a day for 12months (hour daily) and each milestone you make you can join online social groups on facebook (

Unlike other challenges you do this on your own or get a family member or friends to join to do it on their own and compare notes but in essence you are part of a bigger community since your all doing it alone. It may first seem daunting and 1000miles a distance but it is achievable with some discipline.

There are progress charts you can update and once you sign up and complete it you will receive a medal for £9.99 with the challenge. If you struggle to get through the first 100miles then think of an incentive maybe a takeout or gift for yourself.

Another way to set your self a target is taking a pledge and going public that way you have to meet the target since your accountable .

The great thing about this challenge is you can do it anywhere and anytime and Lockdown restrictions means even if local its your daily right to walk so di it. There are no rules of how you walk or where and if your starting at a lower fitness level it’s a great way to get fit its really a good way to get into a habit since you have to do it daily.

How far is 1000miles

Could be half way across the Gobi Dessert or from Lands end all the way to the top of England to Johns o Goats. May seem unthinkable but it’s a daily milestone you are setting yourself so start now you can catch up and try it.

What can one walk do for me ?

If in total this challenge is taking an hour a day if your going to hit that 1000mile goal but surprisingly there are so many benefits included.

Digestion-One walk alone will increase your metabolism, eliminate toxins and improve your gut floral. The full 1000 miles reduces insulin levels reducing weight gain and overall health needed to burn enough energy rather than store it.

Joints – Overall movement lubricates those joints which increases blood flow and will help cushion your bones. More weight loss is also less pressure on your overall body and joints supporting you to be more agile.

Brain- Blood flow increase means more supply of blood to the brain and not only does this provide clearer thinking but Endorphins and other neurotransmitters release hormones for anxiety reduction and moderating depression. The full 1000miles would have lowered your stress hormones making you more optimistic and cut your risk of stroke by a third and studies show overall reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Heart – Walking will naturally raise your heartrate and supply more oxygen to the body and heart.Your cholesterol , blood pressure and vascular stiffness is lowered another Blue zone trait of longevity increasing your lifespan.

Skin - 10minuites of sun exposure although not much even in the UK you will synthesise some vitamin D which is a key mineral to support your immunity need during the pandemic. Walking although a mild form of exercise does increase Collagen in the inner layer of your skin making it supple and resilient -so why not look younger and walk.

Muscles – Walking will naturally strengthen your muscles helping your body get better strength , balance and coordination. People with long term back pain have also noticed benefits triggering recovery of the bodies own ailments.

The difference an hours walk a day could make to the countries health would not only provide preventable measures but also reverse chronic diseases. Patients of Rheumatologist Consultant Alison Sabine at Birmingham hospital has noticed large improvements of overall health , blood pressure and mental wellbeing since the pandemic as more people walk. This challenge could transform us all so why not try it you have nothing to lose and its just up to you.

Tips for the challenge

Walk at Lunch - why not make the most of your lunch break away from your desk and a treat in the afternoon and escape for that 2mile daily walk

Enlist a friend – Even if your not able to meet you can encourage each other to do your daily walks and compare notes

Early Bird-Set your alarm 30min early and get out for that walk when its less busy , set your mood for the day and get a chance to see those early wildlife walkers

Late Nigh walk- Living in London im able to do more walks at night when its less busy , street lights are on and I wind down the day

Map it - If your able to get out further after restrictions I use the ALLTRAILS app or Ordinance survey map and highlight new trails to try

Daily Pic- why not picture something on your walk each day like a photo diary or a gallery you can build up of your challenge

Beat your target – See if you can do more each month to catch up I started the challenge late but made it up the following weeks.

This really has changed my life and helped me set daily goals and immediate milestones I reach not only helping my mental health but my overall wellbeing, feeling fitter and happier by day. So if your late just start, but try it from any starting point and see how you get on. My Body section will list details of my walks and trails to see but do reach out to me on how your getting on together we can do something for changing our life and embarking on a 1000mile journey for yourself beating the pandemic and becoming a better version of yourself.

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