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COVID-19 Mind, Body and Soul healing

Lifestyle changes to help the healing process and boost the body's natural defences. With good nutrition and mindful exercise we can help humanity overcome this.

Having recently read Micheal Greger’s ‘How not to Die’ which was backed up by ample examples of how diet and lifestyle is the key to preventing or reversing diseases based on multiple scientific examples and studies. Part of the main concept of the book are studies on preventing, arresting and reversing leading human health killers in todays world. One study of more than 42 thousand autopsies of centurions (those who live past a 100 )showed that almost always individuals overcame disease by 100% through specific diet and lifestyle choices compared to todays society whereby the majority of people die of disease not old age. Diet is generally the number one cause of premature death and currently in medical school only a quarter or less of medical schools offer a course in nutrition.

“Healing is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes Love But start changing your routine now”

Anthropologists study of human disease showed that the majority of deaths in 1900’s was due to infectious disease but now we are more likely to encounter lifestyle diseases such as heart attacks. Todays Coronavirus shifts us back a century ago when lack of vaccines and unknown disease caused loss in humans.

If anything people are worried about the unknown an infectious disease and threat to humanity. I understand the mass panic or even the apocalyptic scenario but thankfully I think humans naturally are resilient which means only a small subset of aging community are at real threat. Perhaps our fear comes from most of mankind’s history of infectious diseases causing extinction or mass death such as 6th Century plague of Justinian or 14th Century Black death removing a third of Europe – however malaria a current threat has killed alost half of all humans who have ever lived.

Ebola and Zika at a smaller scale did prove we could at some point keep these epidemics under control but the main risk is a larger scale pandemic like Corona on countries that are less able to cope due to limited resources or infrastructure and the aging population that Is at its highest ever in human time.

For now unknown to us majority of these regions such as India and especially Africa are still not impacted or visible large cases of corona virus maybe due to dry climate, genetics or unreported cases there is still unanswered questions.

From reading Micheals Greger book his advocate of a plant based diet which encourages consumption of unrefined plant foods no meat , daily or processed.His research on identical twins separated at birth prove they will get different disease based on how they live their lives and what they consume .The American heart association study on 500 twins where able to confirm diet and lifestyle override genes at all times.

For now as well as following the advice on personal hygiene, avoiding contact with others with flu like symptoms and self isolating during known symptoms occur is away to delay it- however unless this behaviour is adopted during midst of such a pandemic the likelihood of this spreading is high which was the case in Italy initially. There is a high chance of recovery and with only 1 in 6 will get severe symptoms but generally recover pending age.

One main way to help your body at this time is boost our immune system and provide nutrients and minerals to assist the cells fighting and recovering from a virus such as Covid-19.

The plant based diet suggested by Micheal provides evidence on how food can replicate and restore the natural body defences. His example on Cancer which through epigenetics can silence tumour supressing genes that would otherwise be the body’s way of stopping Cancer mutations. Therefore chemotherapy is a drug which has been developed to restore our natural defences and almost act as the suppressor genes our body develop to kill cancer -due to its toxicity chemo can only be used for restricted doses and time.

However through a plant based diet certain foods are able to restore our immune system and help our natural defences - im not stating just diet would be the cure to COVID-19 but a method of assisting the body to recover and flight such as a virus.

I think by using a combined mind, body and soul wellness plan to help us through this but always use the advised approach from the NHS first since my plan is a complementary therapy approach.

I will be creating a recipes page with daily meal and lifestyle plans but here is a sample from today

My daily plan looks to work with your body, mind and soul, through nutrition and exercise, the mind through mediation and mindful presence and your soul which integrates energy healing which I will provide further details on my one to one energy sessions(rahanni/theta/chakra balancing) I can start with online for free.

Lifestyle Schedule Day 1:

With Corona exercise is good and I still get out for 1 hour of walking to each my 10k steps in the local Brompton cemetery or a park in open spaces enough distance anywhere.

Morning Yoga

Morning sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) helps you maintain an efficient inhalation and exhalation process, with the lungs getting properly ventilated and the blood getting fresh oxygen to remain sufficiently oxygenated. This helps in detoxifying the body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.

15min in the morning is fine I normally just stick to sun salutation a way to energise the body ready for sunrise and qi balance and energise each of your body meridians and chakras.

Morning Meditation Matra

After yoga I will mediate for 5-10MIN if you cannot in the mornings - try before sleeping if you cannot fit this in below I use the is Wayne Japa mediation a good way to start the day if not I have added a simple 3min guided mediation with Deepak Chopra.

Japa meditation is a meditation technique similar to mantra meditation, in that it involves the repetition of a simple sound or affirmation over the course of your meditation. As you continue to repeat the word, you enter more and more into the feeling and emotion behind the word, allowing you to access a higher state of consciousness, and begin to live from the energy you choose to express.

Morning Breakfast

Greek Yogurt, granola, fruits (blueberries, strawberry),pumpkin seeds, flax seeds.

MorningJuice :Beetroot, apply, ginger and carrot juice (normally drank before anything an hour before breakfast even)


Tuna mix sourdough bread, apple, orange, nuts


Sautéed red onions(till brown in small amount olive oil)

Add garlic do not overcook garlic can brown lightly

Add organic turmeric powder (1 tspn)

Add salt and pepper for seasoning

Add half lemon juice,

Add 1 tspn tomato past/tomato pasata

Add mushrooms (cooked through)

Add spinach do not over cooked just sauté till slightly wilted

Then add boiled pasta (1 Cup)

Serve with aside of Chopped red pepper and boiled broccoli ,sprinkle on pomegranate and pumkin seeds

*Vegetables lose 50% of their natural minerals and vitamins when cooked therefore I often steam or lightly cook veg that can be eaten raw)

*Drink 2 litres of water a day

Create Relaxing environment before bed

Evenings before bed should be time to slow down and try and stop the constant chatter and thoughts of today or tomorrow and stay in the present. Before sleeping try not to use your phone or media light read or try and relax

Scented Frankincense and sage is a good way of clearing the air of bacteria and bad energies I use few drops of each in my air humidifier.

Dimmed light a hue of pink light of love with one candle before my meditation and prayers.

Evening Meditation

Mediation of Japa OM Meditation or affirmation mediation

Evening Prayers

Don’t underestimate the power of prayer whether you believe in god or not - faith can help physically, spiritually and mentally even stated by psychology journals.You don’t need to be religious to pray – try it

I generally pray my Islamic 5 prayers at once if I cannot through the day but I use my final evening prayer as a way to reflect and be thankful and almost always pray for all to overcome our strife I life.

Never forget to use this time to ask God, Angels, the Universe anything for help, guidance, protection or IF THE ONLY PRAYER YOU SAY IS THANK YOU THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH x

My prayer tonight for the World in Covid-19:

May God protect and watch over us at this difficult time.

Give peace to those living in uncertain time and exposed to the virus

Strengthen those risking their lives to care for others.

Comfort those that have lost loved ones

Help those suffering now and help with those that have passed be in peace


Please mail me for info or a one to one remote healing session for free

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