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Collective Awakening is happening.

A time of Crisis (Covid-19) an intense shift is happening as humanity is awakening from a sleep state as the human race rises.

I used to think to become spiritually awakened is not an easy state to be in, I used to only associate it to sacred gurus like Buddha or spiritual devotees in India. But in fact over time I have learnt it is possible to learn and awakening can happen to any person. To be awakened is like a shift in our psyche to be more enlightened or spiritually awake.

“The human race will rise again. The war will end and the world will heal”

Earlier humans sensed no separateness from the world they were connected to nature and the cosmos where no duality existed whereas today we are less connected to community, the land and universe. Maybe it was our egos or our selfishness forming a restricted view of the self.

Todays ego driven world of the self is what has made us restless, agitated or even anxious. From the constant chatter in our heads(often negative in tone) or the separateness we create causing a sense of lack and isolation are a number of things causing the human sleep state not to awaken. We live so much inside ourselves that we are in a state of non wakefulness or abstraction looking for things to occupy us.

Some people have known to become awakening when a crisis happens(death, accident ect) it lasts for short time where we have a sense of clarity of what is important, divine love for all with a sense of real empathy. Currently with the Corona outbreak we see a similar shift of wakefulness in communities and people showing divine love and acts of kindness not normally shared.

Humans live in a state of sleep living in unease, psychological suffering but a shift to wakefulness during traumatic change like what is happening now with COVID-19 outbreak where peoples consciousness is shifting into wakefulness . Wakefulness can happen gradually when one slowly learns enlightenment through gradual spiritual practice or wakefulness could happen suddenly during a crisis where the instant response to trauma a sudden transformation happens.

This crisis will helps us grow with a shift in wellbeing , appreciation in ordinary things (walk anywhere anytime near anyone, being together with others with no absorption in media or TV), a stronger connection to nature were we are more aware and a shift in altruism as you see stories of others helping communities and removing the idea of the self and what is mine is mine.

I hope as we change and shift to feel a sense of gratitude for health freedom, loved ones and other things in our life. Our sleep state meant we took things for granted before the COVID-CRISIS. Appreciating the important and little things now should free us from constantly wanting more or being dissatisfied. Will this transformation take us out of the viscous circle of constant desire for more stuff we don’t need of what we already have replacing it and still unhappy. - Buddhism state we are free of craving and suffering is when we are at peace.

I hope now we can look at our lives through a different perspective and hope humanity shifts to understand how we have evolved what bad traits we had and how we self improve. Not everyone will experience this awakened state with bliss and change often a breakdown will occur and the individual is unable to change for the better often this is due to not accepting or acknowledge the world has evolved and we need to align.

COVID-19 will hopefully create a sudden change or transformation on how we live and improvement in the self - this can initially be confusing as we all need to change in a different world but if order is brought and psychologically we know how to cope and live in the new world of an wakened state this should have made a shift humanity needed

Awakened states include traits of :

-Moving from separateness to connection and union. Ego limits us to only think of the self but when we awaken boundaries are lost and we are part of the universe. A sense of what we have or own defines us disappears and an empathetic knowing we are all one creates compassion in the community.

-Inner stillness is achieved in wakefulness where our internal constant chatter is diminished and a sense of peace and calm is felt as we slow down. Mediation and prayer help us connect to a deeper self to learn to heal the soul. This stillness intensifies experiences we are present in the now not distracted in waisted energy of unhealthy thinking or constant planning but enjoying now.

-Self sufficiency were we are not affected by others option or no need for ambition or approval from others occur – NO NEED TO ADD ANTHING TO MYSELF like success or be in a state of lack of desire The heart sutra states you can never be humiliated by others during wakefulness.

-A higher degree of self compassion happens. Awakened states connect with others and create empathy – a sense and understanding of others suffering partly because our own desires are not important ‘Wish more for others first’ The compassionate attitude is an awareness of spirit in everyone and if others suffer we do too. Empathy also gives rise to forgiveness and help us bond with others by excluding negativity between us .If someone is unkind our empathy means we respond differently without conflict. Hope we can now love and accept one another more 😊

-You are not dictators of your life let life happen during an awakened state. The Dao believes a higher energy or God is creating our Dharma (life plan) and believe all is planned as it should be without ambition. A sense of joy and peaceful bliss will result from this not having to worry about tomorrow. Im hoping this crisit will help us learn to live in bliss away from pychological discord

The journey to help take us get to an awakened state I will cover in later blogs but below is a sample from how a famouse Sufi philosopher Ibn Arabi attempted to define his approach to enlightenment and trying to use spiritual practice to ground us as this transformation happens.

I hope our old life of sleep state where we sternly identify ourselves with labels or what we have is what we are. Sleep state also includes constant impulse to spend money for more or be distracted by something such as media/TV and not be present with the self.

But in awakened state you are not affiliated with what you own or your religion or race but a wider perspective on oneness. We should become more conscious our decisions affect others , lifestyle choices, environmental impact – we develop unconditional morality. We don’t just show compassion to superficial similarities people my religion or my race or my community disappears. I hope after this crisis we maintain a wakeful state and not go back to our old selfish ways. I hope we permanently shift from accumulation of things to contribution.

Im hoping a new world and a new mission will help human race through this crisis of COVID 19 into a new era of harmony and change. I almost feel like nature has forced us to change. We will live in quietness with inner harmony .Lets use this time to be productive not bored read, be creative, spend time with family/friends, help others or just live in peaceful solitude/gratitude. Use our new awakened energy to remove suffering of others rather than the thought what can I get from life to what can I give to life 😊

I hope our relationships change to more authentic friendships. We become more tolerant and understanding with no judgement. We no longer have to wear a social mask to fit in and be self centred. Lets hope we evolve into more secure people and shift our focus from ourselves to others. I hope the world shifts now to a more blissful loving place for all. This does not mean no self but a new self we remove the ego that thinks he rules the world (self). Spiritual practices are a good way to help maintain awakened states and seek enlightenment. Cultural changes have always happened from the French revolution/ US constitution causing legal changes to injustice.

This decade we see yoga/mediation spirituality evolving as we gown but the new wave caused by Corona hopefully is a sign of new era for us.

Some of us already are awake but the world has shifted to get others to reach this state for the better. Maybe evolution is forcing us into the collective awakening - please embrace it and I will share other posts on how to use spiritual practices to maintain and be consistently at this state so we don’t revert to our old selfish world.

The Human Race Will Rise Again (by Steve Taylor)

The human race will rise again. This chaos isn’t inevitable; this discord won’t last forever. The evil that flows from us so easily isn’t innate. Our disorders are distortions, not permanent conditions, symptoms of a disease which will one day be cured.

We weren’t born for constant conflict, to spend our lives fighting for survival, competing for recognition defending ourselves against oppression with our minds infected with anxiety and our souls corrupted with bitterness.

We were born for joy, and one day joy will return to us as spring always returns, bursting with life and light after the freezing winter.

The human race will rise again as the cold hard masculine mind opens up to the soft warm spirit of the feminine as our solid frozen selves begin to melt and merge with nature again and selfishness gives way to empathy, and hierarchy to equality and the impulse to connect transcends the desire for control.

The human race will rise again as our senses begin to wake from centuries of sleep and nature shines with sacredness again and we’re dazzled by the world’s pristine beauty and awed by the depths of meaning which open up beneath the old flat surface of reality.

The human race will rise again, and is slowly rising now. The shift is slowly settling - the hurricanes are weaker, the tremors are less frequent. Balance is returning, a new structure is emerging, a pattern of vibrant new colours and shapes with a new kind of harmony, more complex and dynamic, an order that’s stronger because it incorporates chaos, a sanity that’s deeper because it arose out of madness.

The human race will rise again. The war will end, and the world will heal and life will no longer be a frenzied struggle, full of stress and fear but a glorious adventure, full of grace and ease, no longer a punishment to be endured, but a privilege to be savoured.

We were born for wholeness, and we will be whole again. We were born for joy, and we will return to joy.

The human race will rise again.

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