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Ayurveda an ancient holistic healing remedy needed for today's world.

Updated: May 10, 2021

Maharishi Ayurveda (MAV) is a systematically developed research system based on an ancient Indian medical system commonly known as Ayurveda. Ayurveda is literal translated to science (Veda) of life (Ayu). It originated from ancient Vedic texts which was sourced from the Rishis (enlightened sages). During this period the sages were concerned with an increase in the ill health of the world and they looked to uncover the deepest truth of human physiology and health to prevent suffering.

To help reach this understanding the sages mediated together in a large group and Bharadwaja attempted to seek the answer through this collective consciousness of mediation resulted in MAV.

Ayurveda is a sophisticated system originating 5,000 years ago describing blood circulation, layers of skin way before its discovery in the 17 century for medicine. Ayurveda was suppressed during long periods of colonial rule whereby it was eclipsed and not officially supported. When India became independent in 1947, Ayurveda was in disarray and had lost some of its potency. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived the system to a more integrated form whereby he received his knowledge from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati who brought 40 years of ancient Vedic knowledge to the world. They introduced Meditation TM to the world which is now worldwide used by 6 million for mediation.

In the 80s Maharishi asked several leading Vaidyas to collaborate and restore Ayurveda in full. A veda resulting collaboration with Dr Dwiveda a member of the Indian government central council on medicine was recognised as a leader in Ayurveda herbal ‘rasayanas’

MAV is now practiced globally in clinical settings proving to be effective along with TM. With growing uncertainties in western medicine including iatrogenic diseases and injury. Studies have shown up to half iatrogenic injuries in hospitals are due to medication. Anti tumour drugs have shown to cause new unrelated cancers such as L-dopa caused as a result of treatment for Parkinson. The main issue is rather than identify the root cause of disease the symptom is treated and clinical practice become a process of pill pushing.

For instance IBS often treated and dealt with just as poor digestive issue that is uncomfortable for the body instead of identifying what causes it. If a patient feels bloated after eating , clinal treatment is just ease relief with medication not how to treat the root cause or assess it. Almost one-third of patents are told by practitioner it’s psychosomatic or its functional (not a real disease) mainly due to modern medicine has no answer to the real problem.

Almost 70% of illnesses are preventable and the approach to effective counter illnesses through smoking, exercise, cholesterol, saturated fats is limited. Modern medicine needs to rethink its approach and now focus on root cause rather than just the symptom. This will allow us to reduce dependencies on drug therapies or dangerous side effects. MAV addresses these holistic factors and instead of labelling symptoms as functional we can classify through Doshas or dhatus to gain an understanding of imbalances causing these symptoms.

Ayurveda not only treats diseases but looks at bringing a patient to a well defined , well understood healthy balanced state as well as treating an illness. Whereas modern medicine looks at the body as a machine with isolated parts which unlike Ayurveda which looks at the body as a whole ecosystem which interacts as each part affects other parts.


A patient with hypertension - western medicine recommends weight loss or stress reduction and provides a series of drugs to minimise the condition but the medication can result in side effects. This approach does not treat the root cause only the symptom.

If treated with MAV an assessment first of the subtle homeostatic mind/body using non invasive techniques is done. Once the Ayurvedic assessment of the imbalances is identified – there are a range of natural modelists to restore the patients normal inner balance. Changes to sustain the body going forward include diet, daily routine, exercise, herbal supplements, aromatherapies and more.TM has shown effective for hypertension and cardiovascular risk that governs blood pressure. A variety of treatments such as panchakarma , a detoxifying therapies shown to reduce blood pressure risk factors.

For the patient the result can be a breakthrough for not that moment but a lifetime removing hypertension without side effects but gaining benefits of energy and well being. Maharishi states Vedic approach also handles health from a consciousness.

Ayurvedic way of life is practiced by most of India’s people and remains a living tradition with thousands of non medical people all over India who have somehow learnt a form of diagnostic treatment to alleviate suffering. For instance a man selling fruit in a Bombay street market was also well known for his ability to diagnose disease just by looking at urine samples. If humanity was able to embrace Ayurvedic practices would, as it is to some, a universal healing art which has always existed and should persist till humans demise. Although modern medicines does not choose to embrace a holistic approach to healing as individuals we should take steps towards a better way of living.

The basic principles of Ayurveda is based on action in accordance to the natural law and when our mind is in tune with the pure consciousness then our actions are supported by all laws of nature. We are able to maintain health through forms of spontaneous actions for instance smoking is unnatural since the human body is not designed to inhale smoke. This concept of spontaneous action inline with the natural law can only happen when we develop our inner awareness through a form of awakening.

By meditating specifically Transcendental Meditation(TM) can awaken us to produce a spontaneous intuitive alignment with the natural law. As we become enlightened, we become pure consciousness which brings us a deeper attuned - it’s almost like we plug into the same frequency of nature an the cosmos around us. Vedic science goes into more detail of this consciousness model of MAV I intend to later discuss in my Ayurvedic sections. How healthy you are also depends on your level of consciousness. The word in Sanskrit for health is ‘Svasth’ which means established in ones self. Ayurveda teaches living beings how to establish themselves in themselves.

As humanity battles to survive pandemics and continues to suffer conditions of varied health issues modern medicine cannot resolve it becomes even more prevalent we look to embrace traditions and teachings that looks at resolving the root issue not just the symptom. Ayurveda practices combines techniques that show us a more harmonious way of living that needs more urgently to be shared globally by all now!

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