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Awaken with Forest Bathing

Updated: Mar 1, 2020

How being in nature can help us become happier and healthier and learning to be awakened in todays fast paced world.

Forest Bathing emerged from Japan in 80s called called shinrin-yoku (“forest bathing” or “taking in the forest atmosphere”).Forest bathing is a form of mindfulness walking in forest canopy and time spent in nature is said to be good for us. Both the aromatic and release a high concentration of phytoncides—airborne essential oils provide a natural immunity boost and calmness for us. Even the higher concentration of oxygen compared to urban stings clearly has health benefits.

American biologist E. O. Wilson noted that "humans are hardwired to connect with the natural world, and that being in nature had a profoundly positive effect on human health. Therefore we now have to enforce some time in nature otherwise we can become out of balance."

Research has shown spending time in green spaces was linked to reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower heart rate, reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduced risk of type II diabetes, reduced all-cause mortality and death from heart disease. The most noticeable effect I have when forest bathing is the mood boosting impact after my walks - studies show an improvement on anxiety and depression all contributing to better energy levels.

The healing power of nature is evident in recent term called nature deficit disorder afflicted due to city life, high rises and a woping 93% of Americans spend indoors including vast majority of that time using technology or electronics.

Although it’s a form of mild exercise my experience in forest bathing is more mindful walking (not a hike or excessive exercise). I practice it using all my senses of sight, smell, hearing nature and taste of the fresh outdoor air and almost like wakeful meditation allowing me to connect and be at one with nature. It has become my way of taking time to relax and resolve my hectic life in the city and has became a ritual for me to continue my week felling back to balance and grounded.

Although city life is essential living for most people now there is a long term negative impact on pollution and exposure and traffic noise also effecting our biochemistry and it has been thought noise alone stimulates the stress hormone cortisol which can eventually damages blood vessels. Therefore taking that time out helps lower levels of cortisol and proven blood pressure reduction.

As humans our ancestors and the indigenous today were part of nature and feel a strong empathetic connection to nature therefore harming earth for personal wealth became unacceptable for them since they felt a kinship with the world since it was sacred and spiritually alive for them.

As humans we live in such a state inside ourselves our experience and energy is lost and we are less able to connect with the outside world of nature.

The new collective shift of humans from ego centric rather than living in the real world and being with nature means as a result we live in our minds alone. We use TV, social media and multiple entertainment vices which keeps us in a state called of Abstraction. What we need is to revert to our natural indigenous self of awareness giving our full attention to our experience and surrounds to the present moment which forest bathing can help with.

The state im trying to get us to move out of is Abstraction and into a state of Wakefulness where we move into union one with the world. An awakened person will have more inner stillness helping us reach a point of peace and move out of our constant internal chatter of our minds. Whether its forest bathing or any mindful pursuit its important we know how we make this shift.

Forest bathing should be enforced as a nonmedical therapy which even the UK Woodland trust has suggested. The UK is abundant with forests you can visit for free from Kent, New Forest,Norfolk,Devon, wales or multiple places you can check online you don’t need to book to be with nature its there for free. My favourite recent walks have been the Chilterns a lush green belt the west of London providing ample canopy for mindfulness walks therefore you don’t have to venture out far for a forest or wood.

Start by trying one session and it will automatically setoff a weekly ritual which I cannot do without now which resets me for a week back in the city. I hoping this becomes your regular practice and no excuses mail me for locations, tips or join me on one of my forest bathing walks 😊

How do I forest Bath?

You don’t need to journey deep into a forest if it’s a wood, urban park or reserve just look for green area with enough canopy.

Let your body guide you to where it wants to walk gently

Engage all your senses try and listen to nature, smell nature, see all the sights and detail and calmly experience being at one with nature entering your world. Appreciate the silence or sounds of nature (Birds, rustling of leaves) and the beauty of nature.

Don’t Rush forest bathing, begin with 20min or more if possible but it’s a slow walk to notice the positive effects of the environment.

I have also engaged in Yoga, Qi Gong and meditation in this setting to enhance the experience.

References: – Great tips for places and techniques to forest bath – Great tips for places and techniques to forest bath

Forest – Holiday weekend away in your own cabin in the woods (Camping is better in the summer)

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