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Ask and It will be Given

Updated: May 10, 2021

You’re a vibration transmitter and the law of attraction gives whatever you ASK for - so be clear and learn to reach your desires and create the life you want.

January is usually the time we begin our goals setting and resolutions. Knowing what we want and desire is also a self discovery process which includes not fearing to dream big. When your trying to set goals, ask why you want this change and visualise it in a positive way allowing it to be part of your reality.

The world you live in is effected by transmissions and signals you are constantly sending out. At this moment you will not believe it, but you are creating your reality. Your feelings are an indicator of how you are aligned to source, which is really our soul or where we originate from. This blog is taken from Esther and Jeremy Hicks book outlining the spiritual wisdom from Abraham, that highlights how we can create the life we wish and through this it can help you set your goals and create your dreams.

You have already heard of the Law of attraction and the more you ponder on a thought, your vibrations begin to align with it. Esther communicates from Abraham highlighting how to know your purpose and get to your will. When people say ‘what is my purpose?’ - this is difficult since its not something we know straight away but, our source spirit does we just have to remember it. The only way you will remember or know is if you feel in harmony and have good feelings, so when you are aligned in this way on a thought you vibrate higher when in purpose.

This life wants you to invite your attention to abundance and if you focus on something new, like I would like to finish my book, but then thoughts of I cant do it that is part of the experience but if your inviting words of No rather than Yes your opposing it. The Law of attraction works by bringing to you circumstances, people based on your DOMINANT VIBRATION.

So once you start to guide your life experience in a manner of what your source vibrates at it becomes like an emotional steering guide. Understand the difference in fear based thinking and try and imagine what your heart truly desires in all areas of life and think it out and feel it. Your emotions lets say indicate how aligned you are so if you want to write that book, meet that person of your dreams but you have a few misaligned negative ideas it will disconnect you to getting what you want.

We are all EMPOWERED beings and free to create whatever we want through joy. Really for most of us we don’t always know what beings us ultimate joy or what thinks feel disempowerment. You can try in all areas of your life when setting goals for Career, Spirituality and Relationships consider what makes you happy dream for a while without limits.

Through a process for imagining, thinking and creating Esther highlights the 3 step process of manifesting getting to your dream goals :


This step should be easy, your simply asking or your unconscious desires are asking what you desire. You ask what it is you want, need or desire and this is a natural process in our day to day experience in the world. Its can be something small to bigger desires, but be clear is it what you really want and see how it feels, are you aligned, does it feel right the thoughts you desire.


This step is called GOD FORCE once you ask or desire the universe will respond, its happening all the time. The problem most of the time is our unfulfilled desires, or inhibitions, or even fear tend to control our negative life experiences and it is here where the work needs to happen to avoid it.


What Esther highlights is the ART OF ALLOWING, are you really ready to receive what you have requested once its answered can you receive it and be fulfilled, since sometimes we are not ready and our vibrations are not at the same frequency so it passes us by.

Why am I getting what I don’t want more of than what I want?

Without you realising it there are the wishes of things we want blocked by the thoughts of lack or not having it. So although you think your law of attraction thoughts are thinking of abundance, your actually thinking the opposite, so try and recheck your gaols and wishes and how you think and word them to a positive :

Don’t say ‘ I don’t want to live in this tiny home’ Do say ‘ I want my dream home’

Don’t say ‘I don’t want to be alone’ Do say ‘ I want that perfect relationship to come’

Sometimes you may feel your desires have not been answered when in reality there was a time gap from when you asked, to allowing it to happen. For instance when my old treasured bag started to fade and fall apart and I was aware I needed a new replacement my energy and focus was not on the new bag I had seen instead I questioned if I needed to trade in the old bag and thoughts kept going back to how I disliked the old bag. Really I needed to be aligned with the new bag I had decided on purchasing and focusing as my new bag without thinking twice.

Once you realise your thoughts are your point of attraction you can create anything new if you think forward positively and stop looking back and questioning the moral.

Life force or source of energy suggests if your fully connected and aware of feelings and emotions it is these that tell you if you are resisting.

You can Practice being Positive and Joyous

It is about practice really and discipline and correcting yourself when you go off track, snt allow doubt, the speed and willingness for it to happen or resist it are factors affecting you to succeed.

As Esther says if you have been thinking about something you want for a long time and it has not happened yet you had a negative experience and emotion, that is where your vibrations are at. Don’t get me wrong my desire for that dream car has been there awhile and all the strong energy now of not attaining it for years has left me accustomed to not thinking light of it but now just a distant dream. Its not easy, but you have to shift from allowing rather resisting and it may be foolish sometimes that you feel your desires are not realistic but it’s the fool that dreams big and gets far.

‘A winner is a dreamer that never gives up’ Nelson Mandela

Be careful of who or what you bombard your mind with we are constantly being invaded with thoughts and ideas with social media we are constantly being dragged into so many directions its truly hard to be in the now and focus on our goals. Since the Law of Attraction works by answering what you think, so if your world around you is constantly controlling and changing your ideas you need to be aware. Remember to focus, take time to mediate and dream big and align for 20min at the end of each day.

Synchronicity is part of this process, if you focus enough on something this dominant thought starts to appear and work through conversations, magazines or signs appear. It’s the Law - that once I embarked on my healing journey I started to meet more people involved and see images and moments to bring me closer to healing as a profession.

If you start to think yourself as a radio receiver and transmitter and through this the creation is happening from what you are thinking and feeling to what you are receiving and having it now.

More often than not our childhood and parenting affect this negative self talk we are programmed to think a certain way. Coming from poverty a life of minimal food and money my mother often spoke and acted from a place of fear which continues throughout my life. I have to work with where my mood is and shift it to reset that habit of worry and insecurity to changed attention of feeling good and in control of the abundant wellness I deserve.

Really pay attention to your dreams and thoughts and when an emotion feels good then you are aligning and fulfilling a desire. When you do have that strong negative feeling it may be an indicator that your not in harmony or going in the wrong direction so really try and think through what makes you happy.

Direct thoughts to THE NOW - each moment you are a connection to that state of wellness and lead to that perfect life you dream of. If your really not getting to your dreams and desires, then get clarity on words your using or thoughts that are taking you back steps. The process of co-creating is if you can imagine or lets say even think it, then the universe is expandable and has all the resources to deliver it fully to you.

Beyonce did not stop during her early years of singing through contests and years saying there are already so many black female singers and groups instead she had a vision and doors opened as she said and from day one she knew it was all she wanted and was born to do. There is enough for everyone, it’s not that someone else has asked for it or there is a shortage . So when you think I am not receiving what I have asked for its not cause its not available its more your not aligned

Don’t depend on others

Your happiness and well being does not depend on what others do is really up to you to get to this vibrational balance. If your connecting to source then your vibrations and feelings of happiness are in balance.

The law of attraction is based on inclusion so saying No its as if your including that no in your vibration instead say Yes always without exception.

What is my Bliss?

Following what they call your bliss is part of the learning process try something different see if you like it draw or paint. The more you allow something into your mind, the more you attract it , but the more you resist it the worse you feel. Like, I don’t want to go to that Yoga class to I cant wait to try this yoga class for my highest good and wellbeing. Of course if Yoga classes are not your bliss try something that is, don’t force things that not for you maybe a walk in the open air is a method of your bliss or learning to cook a soufflé.

Don’t let others tell you what you desire or feel, be strong and think about it clearly, there is always someone that will give you their opinion. Others cannot feel your vibration or what your highest good is and even if they have good intentions don’t allow them to guide you only you will know. Part of my exercise is to sit still in mediation and think of things I love to do and how I will get to my healthy state and what I will do to get there this may involve trying tennis or running to see if it matches with my feeling of joy and happiness.

The more you learn to align with your dreams and darma or purposeful life than it becomes easier to respond and follow these emotions and paths. Source energy emotion means you know the following:

You are free

You are powerful

You are good

You are love

You are value

You have purpose

All is well

This is what Esther calls an emotional scale, things can tip you at either end of the scale which could be from a high area of joy, love, passion or appreciation to a low level of doubt, blame, anger, jealousy, fear, grief or despair. Its not always as easy to say well if your in a state of anger shift how you think of something that makes you happy.

Often our trauma and anxiety need deep work to shift out of it. But using the scale to know how you feel being aware is a start to help you shift. Often the feeling you wouldn’t expect gets you out of one state to another. Anger gives you relief from feeling of revenge, or blame gives you relief from feeling anger of course we want to get to joy but this can take time.

Exercise : Appreciation to raise frequency

Its time to put this into practice and help start maintaining those good vibrational frequencies. Once we can get to this good level or appreciation and feeling there is no limit to allowing you to get to the state, which you wish to reach desires as you watch them flow in. The more you maintain this frequency the more the law of attraction happens.

  • Sit or stand comfortably and relax and look around the room or environment and notice something that pleases you.

  • Hold your attention on an object, it could be a tree, a lamp the cat.

  • · As your focus on this object think about all the beauty in it and wonder and look for the good, this should increase your positive feelings and you will notice your state change to optimism

  • · Try another object and do the same

  • · Next see if you can expand this in your day as you find people and things to appreciate. Such as I love my car, I'm grateful for this coat keeping me warm, this a beautiful building

  • · Practice this daily for a week and notice any changes note them down

The more things you appreciate and find to say thank you for, forms momentum for attracting more of it in your life. From now you need to make a conscious decision to feel good as Ester said :

‘Life is not about tomorrow, its about right now. Life is about how you are currently moulding the energy.’

Exercise : Creating Magic

This is like a vision board but in a box, but if you prefer you can always do it virtually online .I like to have a physical box. The more things you add to your box the more the Universe will deliver it. It also helps focus on your desires.

This process should invoke the feeling of happiness and joy and use the process of Asking for your desires here too.

  • · Choose a box nice looking or make it nice looking

  • · Write the words What ever is contained in this box IS

  • · Next from magazines ,catalogues and pictures print and take what you like or desire – these may be images of homes, landscape, clothes, characters, photos’

  • · Then drop each picture in the box and say whatever contained in this box IS

  • · You can do this for areas of your life Holiday, leisure, friends, love, home, happiness ect

Exercise Meditate:

Using meditation to bring life force or prana or chi allowing more into you.

Start with 10min, even use guided meditations free on insight timer app -t this process is gradual once you get accustomed to daily meditation then you can start the second part manifesting what you want this is something I will elaborate further in another blog.

  • · Sit comfortably somewhere you wont get interrupted

  • · Close your eyes relax and breath slowly

  • · As your mind wonders refocus on your breathing maybe count your breath of feel it go in and out and ignore thoughts that come let them pass through.

  • · As you quit your mind

What if I don’t have self Love?

Self Love work is part of manifesting and getting to your dreams - when you show love and care for yourself a good vibe is formed that makes you feel better which results in higher vibrations. Sometimes its natural for us to feel low, an incident may happen and you become negative or feel bad its about changing your mindset and learning how to be happy again. This is a domino effect in that you attract more positive people and things when you are in that state of positivity reinforcing good. This also included consuming healthy foods and loving your body and mind.

Self love also means sometimes being selfish, ensuring you protect yourself from gossip or people that are toxic. Check your behaviour, make an effort not to spread toxic thoughts and words and spread joy both love to you and others. Its better to surround yourself with positive people – if you suspect people around you don’t wish well for you then your not surrounded by the right people. Its those friends that wish you well and don’t settle for any friendships, as you grow older you learn what’s important. All the people that come into your life have a lesson to teach you but the lesson you learn and they move on sometimes. Always feel joy and love and happiness for others –

‘Wish more for others than yourself first’ Wayne Dyer

that’s when the magic happens, since we are all connected from one source we harm ourselves if we harm others.

Why am I feeling lost how do I get out of this lack feeling?

If your feeling lost and need inspiration which I went through too as I started losing faith in myself and often there is pressure if you have families or commitments making it hard to stay positive. This is a low state which can result in low vibrations. Try and find inspiration I read The alchemist , exercise, rewrite goals and plans, or even dance and change that vibration in any way possible you have to it’s the only way to get out of the rut you have to do the work yourself since its your responsibility.

Gratitude is another mechanism that transforms your vibration so before you complain about social media, your job, washing the dishes, say thanks by meaning it as well. The more we can count our blessing the more blessing will come.

The negative self talk and feeling of lack and emotion can influence our life and this transformation process I'm not saying suppress them if they are there take time out to understand them then after replace them with positivity. Keep identifying and challenging those emotions why do you feel those negative thoughts what’s the impact, then understand the deep seated meaning to these feelings and accept, finally replace them with empowered thoughts for the better.

Start now doesn’t have to be for your new years resolution but working on what you want in each area of your life Career, Love, Family, Health, finance and any other areas and if you need help in forming real concrete goals I suggest working with Mindvalley Lifebook course its free and will help you get more out of reaching what you want.

This has been a summary of all I have learnt from Esther and Jeremy Hicks (Book : Ask and it is Given) who present the teachings of Abraham's spiritual teachings on helping you manifesting all you have read here is through them and him to get you to a more positive flow of life and start creating your desires. You don’t have to make it for the new year do it now and see how it can work for you its your life and your journey.

Everything is coming to you. Don't put an end date on everything. Just let the universe yield it to you, because if the path is a fun path, you don't care how long it takes.

Abraham Hicks

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