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IBS effects 20% of the population and research has shown low FODMAP can dramatically reduce such symptoms. I have suffered from food tolerance for years and unaware of what was causing allergies and the intolerances. Only till I tried FODMAP which was recommended by my GP did I start to focus on the food groups that I could eat and not. It really did change my lifei was able to navigate through food groups that removed the unbearable pain after wheat or the rashes for certain food types.


To begin with it is difficult but if you test out foods and see what works for you not only will you feel better but also improve health and fatigue often caused from certain foods.


Please email me ( for more advice on a personal FODMAP plan this an initial guide but I will be adding specific FODMAP recipes and detail guides.


What is FODMAP ?


FODMAP” stands for “Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols.” These tend to be carbohydrates that are not absorbed in the small intestine and end up in the large intestine whereby they become food for bacteria. The effect is bacteria that eat this sugar will cause fermentation which give us IBS Symptoms.


Generally Carbohydrates are converted to sugar which gives us the energy we need but often people with IBS suffer the symptoms because their body is unable to cope with certain food types.


The letters in FODMAP are translated to:


F in FODMAP stands for “fermentable.” Fermentation happens when intestinal bacteria consume the undigested carbohydrates in the large intestine, creating gas.


Oligosaccharides are chains of sugars, like  Fructans (or fructooligosaccharides)are found in onions, garlic, wheat, chicory root (inulin), asparagus, and artichokes. GOS (also known as galacto-oligosaccharides) are polymers of galactose, glucose, and fructose. They are found in beans, legumes, peas, and soybeans.


Disaccharides are two monosaccharides linked together, such as  Lactose which is composed of one glucose and one galactose molecule and is found in dairy products. Lactose only causes trouble for the small minority of folks who lack the enzyme that’s necessary for breaking it down.


Monosaccharides contain only a single sugar molecule, such as  Fructose—Fructose is found in fruits and sweeteners. From a low-FODMAP perspective, we’re only concerned with the fruits that contain an excess of fructose—that is, more fructose than glucose. That doesn’t apply to all fruits and sweeteners. Foods that contain more fructose than glucose (excess of fructose), like apples, pears, mangoes, honey, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and agave nectar should be avoided.


Polyols are sugar alcohols, such as Xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and maltitol—These are naturally found in mushrooms, apples, and stone fruits (such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, and cherries),  also found in processed foods such as sugar-free sweeteners, which turn up in sugar-free chewing 


What is a Low FODMAP ?


This is a process of finding out which foods are triggers to your IBS or sensitivity and how to know what to avoid. Please note it does not imply weight loss when referring to diet its maintaining a healthy eating plan to improve any IBS related symptoms.

Low FODMAP will be different to everyone its about you and how you react so there is no one size for all here. The aim here is to help you feel your best so your not going to stop eating your favourite foods just a GRADUAL change you are testing on what suits.


Eliminating phase


Here you will be experimenting removing certain foods for 4-6 weeks and check how you feel. Please note the FODMAP diet is not always easy with certain food removal but its part of the process.


Key points:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet where possible

  • Stick to the serving sizes recommended by your dietitian or doc

  • Keep the overall FODMAP load low throughout the day. 

  • Keep a food diary

  • Avoid foods that you already know you’re sensitive to.

  • If you are unsure if a food is low-FODMAP or not, don’t eat it until you’re in the rechallenge phase.


Reintroduce one FODMAP at a time so if there is a FODMAP ingredient only add one at  time to see your reaction. A good example for me I have an issue with wheat and Lactose so I tried one slice of bread and a cup of milk and checked my symptoms in 24hours. If you got no symptoms with a food type then you know its safe to eat for you.


You can then test another FODMAP food or the same food you tested one in larger quantities I don’t mean eat whole loaf of bread and 2 litres of milk at once but double check the impact on a test. You can gradually try this with all FODMAPS food types.



What if nothing works for me ?


FODMAP is not a treatment for everyone if you don’t notice any improvement after the elimination challenge then try and still look at other food intolerances. The FDA recognised the following key common allergies you may want to try : eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybean, corn, sesame and potatoes.


What can I eat on LOW FODMAP diet

You can adapt recipes and there are lots of options but I will be providing a more exhaustive list of what foods to include and exclude with recipes for FODMAP.


Lots of online FODMAP type ingredients of what you can or cant have here are some not all so check online if unsure you CAN include termed as a low FODMAP:


  • Fruits :Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges, grapes, kiwi, orange.

  • Veg : Carrot, lettuce, tomatoes (remove seeds) , zucchinis, cucumber ,bokchoy, spinach, kale, green beans, sweet potatoes , olives – please check online for more.

  • Grains: Rice, cornmeal,

  • Meats are generally few carbohydrates so are a good low fodmap

  • TOFU, Soy low FODMAP

  • FATS: Although butter is a dairy product, it is considered low-FODMAP because it contains very little lactose. All other oils are considered low-FODMAP because they are carbohydrate-free

  • Condiments – Mayo, ketchup, mustard in small amounts are low FODMAP so ok




We use onion and garlic in most food and most shopping ingredients so as an alternative use chives and scallions or garlic oil, herbs, spices and stock.


AVOID: Fructose

Beware of an excess of fructose when it comes to sweeteners, for example high fructose corn syrup.


AVOID: Alcohol and sweetened juices

Beverages: Alcohol , sweet wines, fruit juices, some caffeine  are to be avoided or tested


AVOID: Fried Food and processed meat



What to look out for when shopping ?


This may be time consuming but read labels so check for items like garlic and onion in ingredients. Gluten free is a useful start since im sensitive to gluten wheat in general so test out. Make a shopping list ahead once you have planned your meals for a week.


Meal Planning 


A way to achieve this FODMAP test for the few weeks is to plan your meals and prep and freeze even. It may be a good idea to reduce processed food and eating out but of course you can as long as you stick to your FODMAP limits. When eating out at restaurant don’t be afraid to talk to your server even bring your own salad dressing to check on foods you can eat.

 A sample Low FODMAP meal days guide but email me for a full monthly guide:


Breakfast: Rice Porridge or Overnight oats with peanut butter


Lunch: Greek Quinoa salad, chicken soup


Dinner:  Baked Fish with Tomato pasta or


Sautéed Chicken with Dijon Sauce with Rosemary Roasted Red Potatoes and Balsamic and Blue Spinach Salad


Snack: Nuts, seeds, muffin (check FODMAP recipes),Gluten free cheese cracker, fruits, smoothie




More  recipes will be added for  your FODMAP period.

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