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Magical wonders of Green tea

Why everyone should drink Green Tea ?

Green tea commonly consumed in China and India has had recent interest in the benefits to treating cancer and overall as an antioxidant for the body. Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves which contains antioxidants from Catechins which act to prevent cell damage.


It also contains polyphenols  a natural compound  known to help reduce inflammation and  fight cancer. In fact, tea is so DNA-protective it can be used for sperm storage for fresh samples until they can be properly refrigerated.


A number of studies on specific cancer types have also shown how green tea (around 6 cups) break down cancer cells while retaining health of good cells .Unlike chemotherapy which destroy our normal cells as part of the therapy. In terms of controlling cancer growth, at a dose of green tea compounds that would make it into our organs after drinking six cups of tea, it can cause cancer cells to commit suicide—apoptosis (programmed cell death)—while leaving normal cells alone.


A compelling study on 136 patients randomised sample group chosen to test the hypothesis of poyp growth reduction with green tea consumption. A theory proved that those drinkers of 4 green tea had a reduction of polyps by 50% with average growth size reduced by 25% compared to sample who drank 3 cups.


Limited studies are available but further research is in progress with perhaps pharmaceuticals not keen on investing in promoting this compared to regular medicated therapy I think alternative treatments should supplement us through diet and healthy living.

Some great reserach from Dr Gregor


 How much Green Tea should I drink?

Green tea does contain caffeine so be aware if your sensitive to it and attempt it as a night cap. But you can drink a few glasses a day since caffeine levels are low compared to normal black tea has 2-3 times more caffeine than green tea.


I often combine it through the day with other beverages and in Japan an average cup is about half a British cup size so try with two cups a day. Its easy to drink and there are abundant flavours available and you can also mix it up and make chilled summer drinks. Its cheaper than your takeout coffee but alternately try a  matcha latte or smoothie so  start your switch and DRINK GREEN TEA NOW !


How to drink Green tea?

I love Jasmine green tea more for its aroma but you can try an array of flavours. Just remember the more you brew your tea bag the stronger/bitter it gets (1-5min will suffice).If you want to use tea leaves a strainer is easy to use just dip it in hot water.


Try some alternatives this summer for a healthy antioxidizing beverage 

Mint Green Tea Spritz


-Green tea cooled with ice

-Freshly squeezed Lime

-Add Honey to taste

-Add Mint leaves for cooling a taste

-Sunglasses for a summer feel 

Peaches Cocktail

-Whisky (Any alternative)

-Peachtree Schnapps


-Garnish: lemon wedge


Matcha Latte

-Ice or not  (Hot or Ice)

-1 tsp matcha green tea powder
-2 tsp sugar
-3 tbsp warm water
-250ml cold milk or 300ml hot milk

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